Tuesday, September 23, 2014

a jumble of september

jumble of yum - by Ani
It doesn't stop, this hustle and bustle of a season, and why would it? The air has cooled, which stirs things up a bit (for me) and creative juices are flowing.  Here are some glimpses, as we turn the corner into autumn...

Steampunking...(can we make that a verb? we can, right?)

Low Tea at the library
helping Sarah tie a bow-tie!

dates for the Steampunk ball. verrrry serious.



We've started up nearly everything that will be started this season: homeschool coop, dance classes, choir, art classes, piano.  The farmer's market is overwhelming with its abundance and even our wee basil out on the porch hasn't gotten the message that it's probably time to call it Done. Dan's play opens next week, we're gearing up for two visitors from Virginia and five from Wisconsin, and someone might be turning forty-five this week.

Yowza.  Busy, and so good.


alissa said...

Me: Debbie is turning forty five tomorrow.
EJ: forty five? That's half of ninety.
Me: I'm totally going to tell her you said that.

slim pickins said...

omigosh. i'm not sure how "half of ninety" makes me feel...actually, it's kind of AWESOME!! and very very strange...surely i am not adult enough to be forty five...

merry said...

I'm hoping to reach you by phone tomorrow, but if not, remember we're celebrating in a week!! I hope you have a very happy, rewarding 45th birthday. I love you!! And I love all the activity your family has enjoyed in this post! What is on Ani's yum plate?